Fireworks & Diwali

Being Objective
3 min readNov 13, 2020

Fireworks are one of the favorite things of Diwali for me. Being in my early 50’s now, i am still a child when it comes to Diwali. The smell of the fireworks gives that joy to me, bringing childhood memories, how, we used to budget the crackers so that it would last for almost 2 weeks.

Bursting crackers would start at least 2 weeks before Diwali on a daily basis.

I would compare notes, with my friends on, how much fireworks they got. Clothes were the last thing in my mind, even though it was also a big thing, because when we were young, we bought new clothes only for Diwali and our birthday.

I am sad these days. I dont know what has happened to people. That josh is not there anymore. It is the day before Diwali today as i am writing this one and there is not a single sound. I still remember, the week of Diwali, i would not be able to take customer calls from the US and would have to explain to them on why i am unable to take it.

I blame it all on this Green Diwali culture. I think it is all bullshit.

Thank You, greeneatz..

If you look at this stats above, it is very clear that, what we do in these 3 or 4 days is nothing detrimental to the environment, compared to all those meat lovers or the amount of Turkey on a thanksgiving or Christmas day or on Ramzan or Eid.

Here is the link for that article.

May be it is time we start telling how much power is consumed in the name of Christmas or Ramadan. Look at the amount of strain on the environment because off the power they use to light up houses, cities for the whole month of those festivals.

Others have successfully put a damper on our festival. And our people are dumb enough to follow those stupid ones.

Wala -Sara vedi — my favorite :-)

Crackers was what made Diwali a special festival for me. Bursting fireworks for about 2 weeks everyday was like a 2 week festival. 2 Weeks when i could do whatever i wanted to do. Without getting yelled by parents at home :-)

I really think the spirit of Diwali has been stolen from us by these environmentalists and they have gone into the mind space of the children saying this is a bad thing. It is not!

It is Diwali, Enjoy that with the fireworks, Do it safely. Next day, clean up the place :-)

Dont let people make you feel you are doing anything wrong. Embrace your culture. Don’t let go who you are as an individual and as a community and s a country.

Happy Diwali to all of you!!

